47 research outputs found

    Možemo li predvidjeti zaraze gljivom Sphaeropsis sapinea prateći raznolikost gljiva u Å”umskim kulturama crnoga bora?

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    Fungal diversity plays an important role in forest ecosystems stability as well in the health status of mycorrhizal forest trees. At research area in Istria, Croatia, pathogenic fungus Sphaeropsis tip blight (Sphaeropsis sapinea (Fr.) Dyko et Sutton) caused substantial damage in Austrian pine (Pinus nigra J. F. Arnold) plantations during the last decades. This research continues on previous done in Austrian pine plantations on predisposition to S. sapinea infections, where site and stress conditions were determined as key factors, but also, the ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi were confirmed as biological indicators of the health status in selected plantations. We analyzed fungal diversity of Austrian pine plantations to determine the dependence of species richness and its diversity index, both for total and ECM species only, in relation to S. sapinea infection rate and crown transparency of selected trees. Fungal samples were collected during 2013 at nine permanent research plots in autumn season. Their total and ECM species richness and diversity index were correlated to Sphaeropsis tip blight infection level and crown transparency. Our results did not confirm the hypothesis that Austrian pine plantations with higher total species richness and its diversity index are more resistant to S. sapinea infection nor to crown transparency. Oppositely, ectomycorrhizal species richness and its diversity index might be used as good biological indicators of S. sapinea presence and crown transparency of studied plantations.Patogena gljiva Sphaeropsis sapinea (Fr.) Dyko et Sutton uzrokovala je značajna suÅ”enja kultura crnoga bora (Pinus nigra J. F. Arnold) u Istri tijekom posljednja tri desetljeća. Iako je sam patogen detaljno istraživan u Hrvatskoj, ali i mnogim drugim zemljama, joÅ” uvijek nisu poznati svi čimbenici koju sudjeluju u izbijanju i Å”irenju zaraza. Stres uzrokovan nedostatkom vode opisan je kao jedan od najvažnijih čimbenika koji stvara predispoziciju borova na zarazu sa S. sapinea. No, novija istraživanja pokazuju da značajnu ulogu u osjetljivosti crnoga bora na zarazu imaju i ektomikorizne (ECM) gljive. Gljive su vrlo značajan čimbenik stabilnosti Å”umskih ekosustava, bez obzira kojoj trofičkoj grupi pripadaju. S obzirom na opću slabu istraženost makrogljiva, posebno njihove bioraznolikosti i funkcionalne važnosti pojedinih vrsta u ekosustavima, cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je utvrditi bogatstvo vrsta gljiva i indeks njihove raznolikosti. Postavljena je hipoteza da kulture crnoga bora s većim bogatstvom vrsta i većim indeksom raznolikosti pokazuju manju osjetljivost prema napadu S. sapinea. Hipoteza je nadalje razdijeljena između ukupnog bogatstva vrsta i Shannon indeksa raznolikosti te bogatstva ECM vrsta i pripadajućeg Shannon indeksa.Istraživanje se baziralo na sakupljanju nadzemnih plodiÅ”ta makrogljiva (većih od 1 mm). Uzorci gljiva sakupljani su tijekom 2013. godine na devet trajnih ploha od 36. do 50. tjedna u godini. Sve plohe nalazile su se državnim Å”umama na području UÅ P Buzet (Tablica 1). Svi uzorci pohranjeni su u Hrvatski nacionalni fungarij (CNF). Vrste su određivane standardnim metodama mikroskopiranja. Osutost kroÅ”anja svih stabala na plohama određena je prema ICP Forest metodi. Na svakoj je plohi analizirano po jedno stablo crnoga bora s prosječnom osutoŔću kroÅ”nje, kako bi se utvrdila prisutnost i brojnost piknida S. sapinea na iglicama. Za statističku analizu podataka koriÅ”teni su programi Statistica 10 (StatSoft, Inc., Tulsa, OK, USA) i PAST 3.06 (Paleontological Statistics, Natural History Museum, University of Oslo, Norway).Istraživanjem je obrađeno ukupno 3377 plodiÅ”ta makrogljiva. Određene su 124 vrste, od kojih je 51 bila ektomikorizna (ECM). NajviÅ”e vrsta (S) zabilježeno je na plohi TroÅ”ti (35), a najmanje na plohama Paz i Lovranska Draga (15) (Tablica 2). Najveće bogatstvo ECM vrsta (Sā€™) zabilježeno je na plohi LesiŔćina (22), dok ih je najmanje bilo na plohi Lovranska Draga (5). NajviÅ”a vrijednost Shannon indeksa (H) zabilježena je na plohi Trstenik (3,04), a najmanja na plohi Previž (1,38) (Tablica 2). NajviÅ”i Shannon indeks ECM vrsta (Hā€™) zabilježen je na plohi LesiŔćina (2,14), a najniži na plohi Kurbino brdo (0,60). Na plohi troÅ”ti utvrđen je najveći prosječan broj piknida S. sapinea po iglici (24,46) te najviÅ”a prosječna osutost kroÅ”anja (44,17 %) (Tablica 2). Na plohama Previž i LesiŔćina nije utvrđena prisutnost piknida S. sapinea na iglicama, a ploha LesiŔćina imala je i najmanju prosječnu osutost kroÅ”anja (6,86 %). Koeficijent korelacije pokazuje slabu i statistički neznačajnu povezanost bogatstva vrsta s brojem piknida S. sapinea na iglici (r = 0,273) (Slika 1), dok s prosječnom osutoŔću kroÅ”anja nema povezanosti (r = 0,100) (Slika 2). Povezanost bogatstva ECM vrsta pokazuje jaku negativnu korelaciju s brojem piknida (r = ā€“0,564) (Slika 3), te vrlo jaku negativnu korelaciju (r = ā€“0,756) s osutoŔću kroÅ”anja (Slika 4). Shannon indeks pokazuje statistički neznačajnu i jako slabu korelaciju s prosječnim brojem piknida (r = 0,241) (Slika 5) te srednje jaku povezanost s osutoŔću kroÅ”anja (r = 0,425) (Slika 6). Shannon indeks ECM vrsta pokazuje jaku negativnu povezanost s brojem piknida (r = ā€“0,511) (Slika 7) te slabu negativnu povezanost s osutoŔću kroÅ”anja (r = ā€“0,325) (Slika 8).Ovaj rad dio je kontinuiranog procesa istraživanja Å”teta koje pričinjava S. sapinea i nastavak je prijaÅ”njih istraživanja predispozicije crnoga bora na zarazu ovim patogenom u Istri, prilikom kojih je utvrđen utjecaj staniÅ”ta, stresa i ektomikoriznih gljiva na zarazu. S obzirom na dobivene rezultate, odbacujemo hipotezu da ukupno bogatstvo vrsta može poslužiti kao pouzdan bioloÅ”ki pokazatelj osjetljivosti crnoga bora na zarazu sa S. sapinea i osutosti kroÅ”anja zbog vrlo slabe ili nepostojeće veze između promatranih varijabli. Pripadajući Shannon indeks raznolikosti vrlo je slabo povezan s brojem piknida na iglici, pa je stoga također odbačen kako pouzdan indikator zaraze. Shannon indeks ECM vrsta slabo je povezan s osutoŔću te također ne može poslužiti kao pouzdan pokazatelj zdravstvenoga stanja istraživanih kultura crnoga bora. Nasuprot tomu, bogatstvo ECM vrsta može poslužiti kao dobar pokazatelj prisutnosti piknida i osutosti kroÅ”anja. Prema dobivenom regresijskom modelu, u slučaju kada imamo 22 ECM vrste po plohi piknide se ne razvijaju na iglicama crnoga bora, a u slučaju kada imamo 20 ECM vrsta po plohi osutost se smanjuje ispod 10%. Linearni regresijski model pokazuje da ukoliko Shannon indeks za ukupan broj vrsta prelazi 2,4, osutost kroÅ”anja raste iznad 25 %, a ukoliko on iznosi iznad 3,0, osutost se može povećati iznad 30 %. Promatrajući linearni regresijski model povezanosti Shannon indeksa ECM vrsta i piknida S. sapinea, možemo zaključiti kako povećanjem vrijednosti indeksa iznad 2,4 piknide izostaju s iglica te isti može poslužiti kako dobar pokazatelj zdravstvenog stanja istraživanih kultura crnoga bora. Na temelju dobivenih rezultata zaključujemo kako je potrebno provesti daljnja istraživanja opisanih odnosa na većem broju ploha i tijekom dužeg razdoblja. Na taj bi način bilo moguće dobiti pouzdanije podatke koji bi mogli poslužiti za razvijanje novih metoda i modela integrirane zaÅ”tite Å”uma u sve izraženijim ekoloÅ”kim promjenama u staniÅ”tima crnoga bora

    Odabir optimalne prostorne rezolucije fotogrametrijskih digitalnih modela povrÅ”ine za primjenu u Å”umarstvu ā€“ primjer s područja nizinskih Å”uma hrasta lužnjaka

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    Posljednjih godina digitalna aerofotogrametrija počinje se primjenjivati kao alternativna metoda zračnomu laserskomu skeniranju u trodimenzionalnom modeliranju Å”umskih povrÅ”ina, poglavito u izradi digitalnih modela povrÅ”ine (DSM-ova). Za potrebe inventure Å”uma DSM se uglavnom koristi u kombinaciji s digitalnim modelom reljefa, preklapanjem kojih se dobije digitalni model visine sastojina/kroÅ”anja (CHM) koji se potom koristi za procjenu različitih varijabli pojedinačnih stabala ili Å”umskih sastojina. Glavni je cilj ovoga istraživanja bio ispitati vertikalnu točnost DSM-ova različite prostorne rezolucije na Å”umskom području. U tu su svrhu za nizinske Å”ume hrasta lužnjaka (GJ Kunjevci, UÅ P Vinkovci) izrađeni DSM-ovi prostorne rezolucije 0,3 m (DSM0,3), 0,5 m (DSM0,5), 1 m (DSM1), 2 m (DSM2) i 5 m (DSM5) metodom slikovne korelacije digitalnih stereoaerosnimaka. Vertikalna točnost DSM-ova ispitana je usporedbom nadmorske visine 294 vrha stabala izmjerena manualnom, stereofotogrametrijskom izmjerom i nadmorske visine očitane s DSM-ova. Prema očekivanjima najveća je točnost dobivena za DSM0,3 (drugi korijen srednje kvadratne pogreÅ”ke, RMSE = 0,76 m; srednja pogreÅ”ka, ME = ā€“0,03 m), ali je gotovo identična točnost dobivena i za DSM0,5 (RMSE = 0,76 m; ME = ā€“0,05 m) i DSM1 (RMSE = 0,76 m; ME = ā€“0,07 m). NeÅ”to manja točnost dobivena je za DSM2 (RMSE = 0,84 m; ME = ā€“0,16 m), a najmanja točnost dobivena je za DSM5 (RMSE = 1,31 m; ME = ā€“0,54 m). Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da smanjivanje prostorne rezolucije rasterskih DSM-ova od 0,3 m do 1 m ne utječe bitno na njihovu vertikalnu točnost, odnosno na točnost pri očitavanju nadmorske visine vrhova stabala. Daljnjim smanjivanjem prostorne rezolucije prema 2 m, a osobito do 5 m, vertikalna točnost DSM-ova se smanjuje. Buduća istraživanja vrijedilo bi usmjeriti na ispitivanja mogućnosti primjene DSM-ova različite prostorne rezolucije u inventuri Å”uma, i to: DSM0,3 i DSM0,5 za pridobivanje informacija na razini pojedinačnih stabala, DSM0,5 i DSM1 na razini plohe te DSM1, DSM2 i DSM5 na razini sastojine

    The Histopathological Findings of Operated Tumors of the Parathyroid Glands and Patient Data: A Single Centre Experience

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    Introduction: Parathyroid proliferative disorders include adenoma, hyperplasia and carcinoma. Adenoma and hyperplasia are more commonly found in women, while carcinoma, which is very rare, is equally common in both sexes. The aim of this study was to analyze parathyroid tumors location and histopathology and to compare differences between the sexes. Tumors were surgically removed at the University Hospital Centre Osijek between 2016 and 2019. Patients and Methods: Patients of both sexes who underwent parathyroidectomy for parathyroid tumor at the University Hospital Centre Osijek between 2016 and 2019 were included in the study. Parathyroid tumor samples were histologically analyzed, and their size and histopathology were noted. Existing documentation on patients with parathyroid tumor was used. Analyses were done on archived histologic material stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Results: Overall, 19 samples of parathyroid tumor were included in this study. Tumors of the parathyroid glands were most commonly localized on the lower left parathyroid (8 cases, 42%), and least commonly on the upper right parathyroid (2 cases, 11%). The most common disorder was adenoma (11 cases, 58%), followed by hyperplasia, while no cases of cancer were diagnosed. Women underwent tumor operations more frequently than men (17 versus 2 cases). There was no correlation between histopathology of parathyroid tumor and sex (Fisherā€™s exact test, p = 1) or between tumor location and sex (Fisherā€™s exact test, p = 1). Conclusion: The most common locations of tumors of the parathyroid glands were the inferior glands; the most common location was the left inferior parathyroid gland and the most common disorder was adenoma. Women were operated on more frequently than men. (Feldi I, Jurić A, Marjanović K, Mihalj H, Bačun T. The Histopathological Findings of Operated Tumors of the Parathyroid Glands and Patient Data: A Single Centre Experience. SEEMEDJ 2020; 4(2); 113-120

    Airborne Laser Scanning - the Status and Perspectives for the Application in the South-East European Forestry

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    Background and Purpose: Over the last twenty years airborne laser scanning (ALS) technology, also referred to as LiDAR, has been established in a many disciplines as a fully automated and highly efficient method of collecting spatial data. In Croatia, as well as in most countries of the South-East Europe (SEE) with the exception of Slovenia, the research on the application of ALS in forestry has not yet been conducted. Also, regional scientific and professional literature dealing with ALS application is scarce. Therefore, the main goal of this review paper is to present the ALS technology to the forestry community of SEE and to provide an overview of its potential application in forest inventory. The primary focus is given to discrete return ALS systems. Conclusions and Future Research Streams: Results presented in this paper show that the ALS technology has a significant potential for application in forest inventory. Moreover, the two-phase forest inventory based on the combination of ALS and field measurements has become a quite common operational method. Due to the expected advancement of the ALS technology, it may be presumed that ALS will have an even more important role in forestry in the future. Therefore, researches on application of ALS technology in SEE forestry are needed, primarily focusing to question of ā€œifā€ and ā€œto what extentā€ the ALS technology can improve the existing terrestrial method of forest inventory. Besides the application in the classical forest inventory, the option to apply it for estimation of the biomass, carbon stock, combustible matter, etc, should also be further investigated

    Identification of Years with Extreme Vegetation State in Central Europe Based on Remote Sensing and Meteorological Data

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    Background and Purpose: Determination of an extreme year from the aspect of the vegetation activity using only meteorological data might be ambiguous and not adequate. Furthermore, in some ecosystems, e.g. forests, the response is not instantly visible, but the effects of the meteorological anomaly can be seen in the following year. The aim of the present paper is to select and characterize typical and anomalous years using satellite-based remote sensing data and meteorological observations during the recent years of 2000-2014 for Central Europe, based on the response of the vegetation. Materials and Methods: In the present study vegetation characteristics were described using remotely sensed official products of the MODerate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), namely NDVI, EVI, FPAR, LAI, GPP, and NPP, with 8-day temporal and 500 meter spatial resolution for the period of 2000-2014. The corresponding mean temperature and precipitation data (on the same grid) were derived from the Open Database for Climate Change Related Impact Studies in Central Europe (FORESEE) daily meteorological dataset. Land cover specific anomalies of the meteorological and vegetation characteristics were created and averaged on a country-scale, where the distinction between the main land cover types was based on the synergetic use of MODIS land cover and Coordination of Information on the Environment (CORINE) Land Cover 2012 datasets. Results: It has been demonstrated that the anomaly detection based solely on basic meteorological variables is ambiguous since the strength of the anomaly depends on the selected integration time period. In contrast, the effect-based approach exploiting the available, state-of-the-art remote sensing based vegetation indices is a promising tool for the characterization of the anomalous behaviour of the different land cover types. The selection of extreme years was performed in an explicit way using percentile analysis on pixel level. Conclusions: Plant status in terms of both positive and negative anomalies shows strong land cover dependency in Central Europe. This is most likely due to the differences in heat and drought resistance of the vegetation, and species composition. The selection of country-specific extreme years can serve as a basis for forthcoming research

    Estimation of soil organic carbon stocks and stock changes in Croatia (1980ā€“2006) ā€“ use of national soil database and the Corine Land Cover

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    Background and Purpose: In this study, estimation of soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks for the LULUCF categories is provided together with assessment of spatial and temporal trend of soil carbon density (SCD) for the 1980ā€“2006 period in Croatia. Materials andMethods: Calculations of soil carbon stockswas based on data of soil organic carbon from the national (pedon) database of Croatian soils that consisted of 2351 soil profiles and Corine Land Cover inventories in 1980, 1990, 2000 and 2006. Results and Conclusions: The total estimated soil organic carbon stock in Croatia for all CLC categories relevant for the LULUCF sector (93% of the total country area in 2006) is 618,77Mt. Forests and areas with natural vegetation with 348,11 Mt contribute most of all categories, of which managed forests (broad-leaved, coniferous and mixed) contain 241,93 Mt and other natural vegetation classes 106,18Mt. Estimated soil carbon stock in agricultural land is 270,46 Mt, of which 166,99 Mt contain classes of intensive agriculture (arable land, permanent crops and complex cultivation patterns). Total change in SC stock between 1980 and 2006 equals +1,91 Mt and is mostly due to changes in agricultural practices in rural areas (abandonment of intensive grazing and conversion of pastures into natural grasslands). Changes in the forestry sector during the considered period were less noticeable but were also present, particularly for broad-leaved forest class (ā€“2,73 Mt C). Trends of SC stock changes in LULUCF categories represent good indices of demographic and socio-economic processes in Croatia where three distinctive momentswere evident: (I) decrease of SC stock in the 1980ā€“1990 period mostly due to urban sprawl; (II) increase of SC stock in the 1900ā€“2000 period due to the decline of agricultural activities in rural areas during and after war period; (III) decline of SC after 2000 due to more intensive urbanization and infrastructural development

    Spatial Structure Indices of Mature Pedunculate Oak Stands in NW Croatia

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    Background and Purpose: In order to potentiate a valid comparison of forest stands, numerous indices were developed to express forest structure numerically. Each of those indices described a specific measured or calculated value. In the present study, three of the stand structure indicators, dependent on tree distance, were used: the aggregation index of Clark and Evans, the species mingling index and the diameter differentiation index. The objectives of this study were: to obtain further information about forest structure using the selected indices and to discover any limitations that the implemented indices might display. Materials and Methods: Mature pedunculate oak stands were selected as objects of the study, all located within the ā€œRepaÅ” ā€“ Gabajeva Gredaā€ forest management unit, the Forest Administration of Koprivnica. The stands were aged 75 to 132 years. A systematic 500 m grid of 45 circle sample plots was established. The sample plot radius was 15, 25 or 30 meters, depending on the stand\u27s age. In 2001, the DBH (diameter at breast height) and tree positions in regard to the centre of a plot were measured on each sample plot. The mutual distances between trees were calculated, as well as the values of the three selected stand structure indices. The two procedures of the aggregation index of Clark and Evans were calculated for all 45 sample plots. In the first case only the pedunculate oak trees were observed, and in the other all trees on the plot. The species mingling index and the diameter differentiation index were calculated for each tree in two procedures: in relation to three and four nearest neighbouring trees. The plot/stand totals were managed as the average index of individual trees. Results: Values of the aggregation index of Clark and Evans after all trees have been observed were from 0.89 to 1.28, which indicated a random distribution of trees. In case of considering only pedunculate oak trees, the index of the plots was 1.02 to 1.51. This indicated a tendency to a regular distribution of trees. The species mingling index that considered three nearest neighbouring trees was 0.395 to 0.620. When observing four nearest neighbouring trees, the index values showed slight decreases in all age classes. The diameter differentiation index (0.407-0.424) when three or four nearest neighbour trees were taken into account, showed almost the same differentiation in the 5th, 6th and 7th age class. Conclusion: Though they contained the component of distance between the trees and were based on individual trees parameters, the three analysed stand structure indicators were a useful tool in further categorizing of forest stands

    Forest biomass and sequestered carbon estimation according to main tree components on the forest stand scale

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    Background and Purpose: The estimation of forest woody biomass has a significant role in forestry due to several reasons. One of the reasons is that good woody biomass estimation is important for the planning of forest woody assortments production, for main commercial roundwood assortment and for assortments like Ā»waste woodĀ« or Ā»recovered woodĀ« as a potential for electricity (heat) generation (firewood, wood bricks, wood pellets etc.). Economic and political meaning of woody biomass estimation is important to know forest biomass resources in the country and present these facts to international institutions or in treaties as needed. The estimation is also important for strategic planning of the use of renewable energy sources from woody biomass. On the other hand, estimation of the carbon content in forest woody biomass has importance in global climatemitigation policy and processes (Kyoto- and post-Kyoto period). The purpose of this paper is to present methodology applied for estimation of forest woody biomass and its carbon content according to main tree components, on the forest stand scale. Material and Methods: As research area, two representative Croatian forest communities/stands were selected. The one represents flooded lowland pedunculate oak forest of Pokupski Basin, and the other represents mountain fir-beech forest of the Gorski Kotar region. Emphasis in the paper is on themethodology which was developed for the purpose of research. The methods applied in this study consist of: a) dendrometrical measurements on selected forest stands (research sites), b) sampling of main tree components and sample analyses in laboratory, and c) calculation of forest woody biomass and its carbon content according to main tree components. Results: General result of the laboratory analyses of the samples of main tree componets is that the carbon content in biomass was around 50,0% of the dry matter of a component. In line with volume allocation of main tree components are the biomass of tree components and the content of carbon sequestered in these components. Stem had the largest share in total tree biomass while foliage or needle biomass had the smallest share. The shares of main tree components in total biomass of the tree depend on morphology each of tree species. Conclusion: This research was a pilot and pioneering research of forest biomass in Croatian forestry, and it should be continued to acquire better knowledge of relations in forest woody biomass in main forest communities in Croatia

    Quality assessment of high density digital surface model over different land cover classes

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    Background and Purpose: Recent research on generation of digital surface models (DSMs) using image matching methods revealed a great potential of DSM application in forestry, especially in forest inventory. However, research dealing with DSM generation from digital aerial images are still lacking in Croatia. Therefore, the main objective of this study was to present the workflow for generating high density DSM from colour infrared (CIR) digital stereo aerial images using area-based image matching algorithm. Materials and Methods: The high density DSM was generated from colour infrared digital aerial stereo images using Dense DTM algorithm of PHOTOMOD software - an area-based image matching algorithm which operates on the principle of cross-correlation approach. To evaluate the quality of the generated DSM, an agreement assessment with manual stereo measurements was conducted over three different land cover classes (forests, shrubs, grasslands) using the same images as for DSM generation. Results: The good vertical agreement between the generated DSM and stereo measurement was achieved for all three land cover classes present at the research area. The highest vertical agreement was obtained for the grassland land cover class (RMSE=0.36), slightly lower for forest (RMSE=0.62), whereas the lowest vertical agreement was obtained for shrub land cover class (RMSE=0.83). Conclusions: The results of this research are very promising and suggest that the high density DSM generated from digital aerial stereo images and by using the proposed methodology has the potential to be used in forestry, primarily in forest inventory. Therefore, further research should be focused on generation of CHM by subtracting available DTM from the high density DSM and on the examination of its potential for deriving various forest attributes

    Biogeochemical Modelling vs. Tree-Ring Measurements - Comparison of Growth Dynamic Estimates at Two Distinct Oak Forests in Croatia

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    Background and Purpose: Biogeochemical processā€‘based models use a mathematical representation of physical processes with the aim of simulating and predicting past or future state of ecosystems (e.g. forests). Such models, usually executed as computer programs, rely on environmental variables as drivers, hence they can be used in studies of expected changes in environmental conditions. Processā€‘based models are continuously developed and improved with new scientific findings and newly available datasets. In the case of forests, long-term tree chronologies, either from monitoring or from tree-ring data, offer valuable means for testing modelling results. Information from different tree cores can cover a wide range of ecological and meteorological conditions and as such provide satisfactory temporal and spatial resolution to be used for model testing and improvement. Materials and Methods: In our research, we used tree-ring data as a ground truth to test the performance of Biome-BGCMuSo (BBGCMuSo) model in two distinct pedunculate oak forest areas, Kupa River Basin (called Pokupsko Basin) and Spačva River Basin, corresponding to a wetter and a drier site, respectively. Comparison of growth estimates from two different data sources was performed by estimating the dynamics of standardized basal area increment (BAI) from tree-ring data and standardized net primary productivity of stem wood (NPPw) from BBGCMuSo model. The estimated growth dynamics during 2000-2014 were discussed regarding the site-specific conditions and the observed meteorology. Results: The results showed similar growth dynamic obtained from the model at both investigated locations, although growth estimates from tree-ring data revealed differences between wetter and drier environment. This indicates higher model sensitivity to meteorology (positive temperature anomalies and negative precipitation anomalies during vegetation period) than to site-specific conditions (groundwater, soil type). At both locations, Pokupsko and Spačva, BBGCMuSo showed poor predictive power in capturing the dynamics obtained from treeā€‘ring data. Conclusions: BBGCMuSo model, similar to other process-based models, is primarily driven by meteorology, although site-specific conditions are an important factor affecting lowland oak forestsā€™ growth dynamics. When possible, groundwater information should be included in the modelling of lowland oak forests in order to obtain better predictions. The observed discrepancies between measured and modelled data indicate that fixed carbon allocation, currently implemented in the model, fails in predicting growth dynamics of NPP. Dynamic carbon allocation routine should be implemented in the model to better capture tree stress response and growth dynamics